SJP Model Team Application

I am so excited that you are interested in the SJP Model Team for the class of 2026.

 Applications will close on November 1st or when I reach my max number of team members.


Why Stacy Jean Photography?

Congratulations! You’ve nearly made it to your senior year! It’s such a very special time... a celebration of your achievements, growth and also of new beginnings. You and your life are forever changing and portraits are the very best way to keep memories alive. Your senior portraits will be the way many people will remember you at this important stage in your life. You deserve once-in-a-lifetime images that make you look your absolute best while capturing your unique personality.

At SJP, you’ll find her passion is creating an experience you’ll love from beginning to end. Clients come to SJP to invest in top quality portrait art they can't get from any ordinary photography studio... custom portrait art to be admired by all and cherished forever. Stacy’s unparalleled creative photographic style appeals to the discerning client looking for something different.

Never a boring session...Stacy is known for her Senior Photography and Model Teams. She infuses confidence and infectious joy to everyone she photographs and she’s always trying something new to make your senior portrait experience fun and exciting! She takes pleasure in getting to know you, and great pride in the artwork that you select to share with friends & family and display on the walls of your home.

Stacy has over 10 years of experience and has become one of the most sought after senior photographers and educators in the Fox Valley. She grew up in Wisconsin where she thrived in all things creative. She became a kindergarten teacher after college but always had a camera in her hand. Photography kept calling. After her three children were born, photography became what fueled her creative passions. When not behind the camera or editing screen, you can find Stacy and her husband hiking with their pup, missing their college kids, at a local brewery or spending time with family. 


• The application, signed contract + $425 model team fee must be completed before acceptance is granted.

• Represent SJP exclusively (No paid photoshoots with other photographers during your contracted time)

• Must select The Sweet or The Signature Senior Experience

• Be in the graduating Class of 2026

• MUST love having your photo taken!